

March 4, 2025

Many people over the world are literally "wrapped in love" thanks to the diligent work of St John quilters. Beautiful quilts have been made for confirmands, girls at My Refuge House, the homeless and countless others. Truly a great example of "God's Work, Our Hands!"

If it is the time of the year when we encounter transportation issues due weather, keep an eye on the Washington County, VA Public Schools' status. If they are closed or on a remote learning day, we will NOT meet. From now to Memorial Day, the only Tuesday we definitely will NOT meet is April 15 (Holy Week).

If you cannot join us on Tuesdays, we welcome any contributions to our work and fellowship. A few ideas are:

1. Donations of sheets which we use mainly for backs for the quilts.

2. Make quilt tops with 1/2" seams, measuring approximately 61"x81". Check About Lutheran World Relief | Lutheran World Relief to get more details or pick up a handout from Edie Hitebeitel's Kiosk box. They can also be whole cloth tops.

3. Financially, by buying individual quilts or donations. The money is used to buy supplies to make and ship the quilts, support Pastor Elise with restricted Walmart gift cards for the needy, and donations to Southeast ELCA Synod and LWR for shipping expenses.

Thank you for all your contributions over the past 20+ years.

-Edie Hiltebeitel

St. John - Fellowship Hall
807 E Main St
Abingdon, VA 24210

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