Get Involved
Opportunities for fellowship
We share in Christian community in our friendship and fellowship. Here are some of the ways we gather:
- Coffee hour after worship
- Potlucks
- Women’s Book Club

Opportunities for service
We seek to follow Christ and serve our community by being a loving presence in our community and providing support to those in need.
- Food Distribution in Partnership with Faith in Action
- Donation Drives
- Lutheran Social Services, Refugee and Immigration Services
- Food for the Flock – providing meals for times of need
- Tapestry – exploring diversity
- Quilters – creating and distributing quilts

Opportunities for learning
We grow together as individuals and as a community when we learn, discuss, and explore.
- Bible Study (to begin in the near future).
- St. John Lutheran Church Women – women meet to pray together, learn together, and plan special events and service projects.
- Communion and Confirmation – First Communion and Confirmation are offered for young members.
Opportunities for worship
We are grateful for those who share their gifts of music and lend their time and talents to our worship services.
- Choir
- Altar Guild
- Worship assistants, lectors, and communion assistants
- Ushers and Greeters

Our Ministry Teams
- Worship and Music
- Evangelism and Outreach
- Service and Fellowship
- Finance and Stewardship
- Property
- Learning
Also at St. John
- St. John Lutheran Preschool
- Community Events